 lyrico-coloratura soprano



Nadia Ponte-Kolesnikova was born in Voronezh. Graduated with honors from The  Rostropovich Voronezh Musical College. (1999-2003) class solo singing (Trzyu A.M). After graduation she entered the MGUKI at the faculty of "academic vocal," and a year later at the faculty of "pop -jazz vocals ". She graduated with honors in 2008 with a triple qualification: "Opera singer", "concert-chamber singer" and "vocals teacher ".

Nadia's Diploma work on the topic: "The ability to improvise in the process of professional vocal training" earned great interest of the commission board, and she was invited to study in the pedagogical postgraduate school, where she continued to work on the development of her own methodology. While continuing with here learning process Nadia became a contest winner and went to study the technique of "Bell canto" in Italy (2011).

After the internship-study was  completed she successfully passed the examinations for the master's degree program for the Higher State Conservatory in Florence, Italy, and entered the department of Solo Singing, where she  completed her studies in 2015. In parallel, Nadia successfully completed the Ph.D. pedagogical post-graduate program "Moscow State University of Culture and Arts" with specialty in: "Theory and methods of teaching (music) and upbringing."




Pedagogical activity of Nadia Ponte-Kolesnikova as a teacher of modern and classical vocals, began at the School of the Arts named after Verstovsky (Moscow Region, Khimki) and with notable success lasted two years. Nadias students  (more than thirty-seven people) participated in various concerts and competitions and won first places. Students of Nadia won in an open  pop vocal TV contest - "Flow, Song" in Moscow, and were invited to preform on the radio as contest winners.



Administration of the Moscow School of Arts praised the work of Nadia as a highly qualified teacher and awarded her a diploma for professional skill excellency.  Nadia, as a vocals teacher, also

was awarded a diploma from the Administration of the Moscow Region for "Fruitful work and conscientious work".

Nadia Ponte-Kolesnikova as a young scientist twice delivered a report-show at the Festival of Science in Moscow State University. Lomonosov and MGUKI, for which there she was honored with a gratitude award, in 2010, given to her personally from the rector of Moscow State University, Mr.V.A. Sadovnichev.



The singer, teacher, scientist - Nadia Ponte-Kolesnikova has developed and refined her own unique vocal teaching methodological technique, based on years of research and study of practical and theoretical works of more than 30 leading vocals teachers in the world. Nadia herself personally passed the strictest selection necessary to participate in the master classes of the best vocal maestros in the world, such as: Montserrat Caballe, Eva Marton, Luciana Serra, Renato Bruzona, Bregat Eisenfeld and many other well-known performers and teachers.




She also taught a course of "solo singing" at Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, at the department of "Musical Education " where she released 2 students in 2010. The same year Nadia  was awarded the medal "For the scientific achievements ". in the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts was awarded the medal "For achievements in science ".



At the same time, from  2004 to 2010 N. Ponte-Kolesnikova worked in The Moscow State Academic Philharmonic Society, as well as in the Rimsky-Korsakov Military-Navy Orchestra. and in the Moscow Region Orchestra of  Solnechnogorsk as a soloist-vocalist. In Italy, Nadia continues her creative work and cooperates with various associations and companies, such as: UNESCO, Coop, S. Stefano Concert Hall near Ponte Vecchio, "Center for Science and Technology" culture "in Rome, Camerata Bari, the Russian Orthodox Church and The Russian Cultural Center in Florence, the "Bimol" association. "Villa Gropoli", the museum "Villa Bardini", Villa Medichi and Guchardini in Milan, as well as with the State Conservatory of Music. Luigi Cherubini, Tredichi Theater, Anteela, Jhoto, and others.

Extensively rich and diverse repertoire of Nadia, who has a lyric-coloratura soprano with dramatic timbre, includes works by composers of various genres - from classical to modern, performed by the singer at various languages. As a singer, Ponte-Kolesnikova performed at many venues with various creative collectives, such as: Symphonic orchestra. Dunaevsky (conductor - Professor Shevel A.V.); Russian Folk Orchestra of the Gnesin Academy of Music (Conductor - Professor Raven BS); Orchestra of MGUKI (conductor - Professor Dudin AL); Russian-folk Orchestra of Vidnoye (conductor-professor Gleikhman VD); String Quintet "Kalina Krasnaya" (headed by Professor Gleikhman VD), Berlin the youth symphony orchestra of the school of D. Shostakovich ; Also preforms at concerts organized by the State Moscow philharmonic society.


As a teacher Nadia Ponte-Kolesnikova was awarded:

  • Diploma and the Rector's Prize for "Advances in Science" (2008, Moscow)
  • The diploma of the Rector for the achieved successes in work (2009-2010, Moscow)
  • Diploma from the Department of Culture, Khimki city administration: "Teacher vocals for fruitful work, conscientious work, high professionalism"(2010, Khimki)
  • Diploma from the head of the School of Arts. A.N. Verstovsky (N. Chekiryakin) "For pedagogical activity and high professional mastery "(2009, the city of Khimki)
  • Personal Gratitude Aword from the rector of the Moscow State University  for participation in the V Festival science (lecture-presentation) (2010, Moscow).
  • Gratitude for the participation in the lecture-concert in the IV Festival of Science in the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (conference hall) (2009, Moscow)
  • Diploma for participation in the International Symposium in Vietnam (2008, Hanoi, Hashemin)
  • Letter of Thanksgiving and special recognition as a member of the jury of the festival-contest "Viva Firenze!" (2013, Florence).